
In 2015 our country medicine industry for the future development trend forecast analysis

The pharmaceutical industry is an important part of our national economy, is a combination of traditional and modern industry, one, two, three industry as one of the industry. To protect and improve people's health, improve their quality of life, for family planning, disaster prevention, military combat readiness and promote economic development and social progress plays an important role. Here are 2015 our country medicine industry for the future development trend forecast analysis.

The pharmaceutical industry for the future development trend: industrial growth.

Total industry will continue to grow, and now the size is about 1.5 trillion yuan, according to the growth of recent years, at the end of the 12th five-year growth to 3 trillion is not a problem; Now has 200 listed pharmaceutical companies, at the end of the 12th five-year estimate up to 400; By 2020, the size of the market may be more than 10 trillion; Originally we all think that this is a small industry scale of hundreds of billions, have never thought within a short span of time, will be to the trillions, even 10 trillion.


At the same time also in unceasingly subdivision of industrial growth. According to therapeutic areas, consumption level, population, industrial chain... We found that all kinds of companies in the industry. It is not like appliances, steel, which may be company is very big, but basically is homogeneous. The pharmaceutical industry is very special, such as medical apparatus and instruments, there are tens of thousands of varieties, and you are in the production of nuclear magnetic, I is the production of ultrasound, he is the production of disposable syringe, differences between the two sides will be very big. Including medicine, too, I can do for the treatment of cardiovascular drugs, can also do antitumor drug, field very much; China's hierarchy is very much, consumption level is different also, new drugs, basic drugs also have; In view of the different populations, such as children, women, the elderly, each have different requirements. Industry in accordance with various dimensions in the segment.


Enterprise level. Original billions of scale enterprise is very few, is now very popular, even billions of enterprise! At present, the group has more than one hundred billion.


According to the report of pharmaceutical industry analysis and market research, small and medium-sized pharmaceutical enterprises will be active, financing and listed as strategic theme, hope these businesses with the power of the capital market to become bigger and stronger.


The pharmaceutical industry for the future development trend. 2: industry consolidation.

Industry in the process of rapid development, differentiation is more and more obvious, brand enterprise advantages highlighted. Such as the "poison capsule" event in April this year, will be at least two effects to the industry, one is the local influence on some companies, especially capsule drug companies, sales to varying degrees of decline. Second, long-term impact on the industry, "poison capsule" event, actually very passive, relevant government departments leader said "thanks to the media, is you found it", actually his heart must be very reluctantly. Then introduced a series of strict measures, now capsules into a batch of inspection, qualified before leaving the factory, this will undoubtedly increase the cost of pharmaceutical industry and improve the threshold, should go to the designated inspection agencies, because the longer time period;


In addition, the consumer has a crisis of confidence on capsule products, online someone joked that the capsule can not eat, then pour directly take the medicine, the result is you will only cognitive name brand, will think small business products is not credible, the future will be polarised. Since April some pharmaceutical stocks, such as tongrentang, tasly, is related to this matter is estimated.


Circulation integration deepening, will quickly realize centralized. Pharmaceutical industry market research, according to a report in the United States, three people circulation enterprises accounted for 96% of the drug market, China has thousands of circulation enterprises, most of the sooner or later be integrated. The national medicine, medicine, CRC is doing such integration.


Industrial enterprises in addition to the continuation of the previous model mergers and acquisitions, will be integrated along the industrial chain. This is good for the quality of the control and the growth of its dimension, the sig pharmaceutical industry, for example, federal pharmaceutical, etc.


A lot of the expansion of the scale enterprises begin to related diversification. As some of yunnan baiyao toothpaste, will feel these pharmaceutical enterprise raffish, actually this kind of expansion is that these enterprises will be the only way, or you will miss a chance of industry development, you don't, other companies are doing it.


The pharmaceutical industry in the future development trend of 3: industrial upgrading.

First is the upgrade products, such as formula, process, standard, dosage forms, etc. Listed companies getting hundreds of millions of yuan of money, could not have deposit in the bank still, people all staring at you, certainly must have the part in the innovation and research and development.


And the business model upgrade from for research, production and sales for the market to form various coalition, to m&a type; Positioning of Chinese medicine industry in the global industry will gradually change: from the global manufacturing base to one of the most potential market, pharmaceutical companies a full range of competition will also follow.


Medicine industry first originated in Europe, the United States during world war ii confiscated some pharmaceutical enterprise established in the United States, Germany became the it industry, and later because of the U.S. market pull, policy support, promote and innovation of capital support, the pharmaceutical industry is developed.